By way of enabling full enjoyment of the Club and its facilities, our members may use their boats for short-term and overnight stays up to::
- 5 consecutive nights
- With a total of 10 nights per month
Any member staying overnight beyond the above period will be considered to be living aboard and the Liveaboard Policy applies.

Liveaboard Enquiries
The Club has limited capacity on the number of liveaboard vessels in the marina at any one time. Please note: we are currently at capacity
If you wish to liveaboard your vessel within the marina, please submit a liveaboard enquiry form
Enquiry form
Liveaboard costs and Inclusions
Cost: $198/month + $440 power connection fee (one-off, lasts for the duration of your membership). Charged per vessel. Billed to Membership account monthly in advance. Price is current as of April 2024.
- Ability to reside permanently on the vessel
- Permanent connection to power
- Full use of water facilities

Professional Crew
All professional crew living aboard a vessel must join as Members of the Club and a Liveaboard fee must be paid by the owner of the vessel. The Master must join as a Senior Member and all other professional crews are to join as Crew Members, with Membership transferable to new employees.