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Fremantle Sailing Club
Fremantle Shore Power

Shore Power

Shore Power

Welcome to our Shore Power services! The Club offers reliable power connections to support your individual power needs.


Depending on what jetty you have been allocated, a power application form may need to be completed.

Vessels located on F, G, H, Bond, or Parmelia jetty have one metered socket-outlet per pen. Boat owners can connect to power permanently on these jetties and will be charged according to usage.

Vessels located on A, B, C or D jetty are required to complete a power application form to indicate how frequently you wish to be connected to a socket-outlet. Our options for power connection are set out below:

Vessels located on A, B, C or D


Does not require any connection to a GPO

Power Form


Requires power on infrequent occassions only $30/quarter

Power Form


Stay connected to power permanently - $440 (one off) connection fee + minimum $117/quarter depending on usage.

Power Form


A permanent power connection is included in liveaboard fees.

Liveabroad Information