Call Us: 08 9435 8800
Welcome from the Section Captain
Our focus is develop and attract new sailors, providing world class training and sustaining dinghy sailing by conducting local, national and international regattas. We sail at the world’s best sailing location, have great facilities and know we can satisfy all your dinghy sailing requirements from beginners, experienced through to elite Olympic standard dinghy sailors.Monthly Meetings
Our section meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Please email the Dinghy Section Captain, for more information.What We Do
Here at Fremantle Sailing Club our Dinghy Section sail in a number of different international one-design classes including:- Optimists
- Bic Techno
- 29ers and 29erXS
- ILCA 4, 6 and 7
- OK Dinghy
- Wind Foil
- 505
- SB20
Getting involved in racing is a great way to enjoy the thrills and spills proved by the “Freo Doctor”, with friendly competition racing and the company of sailors, parents and volunteers who share a passion for wind and water.
- Our Summer Season commences in October and continues every Saturday through to April.
- Our Winter Series (Huck Scott ) is held on Saturdays once a month between May and August.
We highly recommend parents get involved and sail with their children or if they wish to take part in another way by helping run the races, manning support boats or just helping out on the beach. All make sailing at Fremantle Sailing Club an experience for the whole family.