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Sat 14 Sept 2024

SPONSOR: The Bishop Family & UK Sailmakers FremantleSAFETY CATEGORY: 4
SERIES: Success Cup / Siska Series / Short Haul Series
NOTES: Please ensure you are familar with the Ocean Racing WA NoR and SIs
ENQUIRIES: Boating Office Email: [email protected]

Coventry Reef race has an interesting history starting back in the 1970s, the race was originally a South of Perth Yacht Club event where the reef was rounded to port!Fremantle Sailing Club ran the Five Fathom Ocean Race where Coventry Reef was rounded to starboard before the return to Fremantle a round trip of approximately 53Nm.
In 1985 Fremantle Sailing Club introduced the Gordon Haselhurst Memorial Race, heading to Coventry Reef and return to Fremantle.
Gordon Haselhurst was an important part of the first Fremantle Sailing Club offshore race control team, established around 1977 when the Club was still operating from the “tin shed” on the other side of the railway.
Gordon sadly passed away in 1981 the Haselhurst Family Trust sponsored the race for many years in his memory the last being in November 2010.
From 2010 Roger Passmore, Rockwater became the race sponsor the race increasing in popularity and enjoyed by both Inshore and Offshore racers
In 2021 Rockwater ceased sponsorship but the race was happily sponsored by UK Sailmakers Fremantle and The Bishop Family