Town Hall Meeting – Wardroom, 7.30pm Thursday 21 September 2023.
In October 2020, the FSC Board initiated a review of the Constitution which has been led by Past Vice Commodore Anita Wyntje with assistance from a broad group of FSC members. The current proposal on change to the Constitution is a comprehensive review reflective of the huge time and effort that has been put into this task by those who have volunteered their time for this work. Progressing bringing these changes to members for approval has been delayed several times over the past twelve months as the Board dealt with the priority challenges associated with club finance, to good effect.
The recent formation of the Keelboat Racing Section, which requires tidy up in the Constitution, has raised the priority of moving forward with effecting a number of changes to this document. This was considered at the August Board meeting and the Board resolved to progress changes to the club Constitution in a three phased approach over the next eighteen months.
Phase one will address immediate changes required to reflect several current operating practices with the focus on committee structures, membership categories and the member election process. This would involve minimal changes to the 2018 Constitution which are detailed in the draft explanatory memorandum and the recommended changes to the constitution, see the links below. It is proposed that this be presented to members at a Town Hall on 21st September 2023, reviewed again by Board for finalisation at September Board meeting and notice of motion issued in October for the November Annual General Meeting.
Draft Explanatory Memorandum
Phase one – Recommended Changes to 10 December 2018 Constitution
Phase two, subject to the success of phase one, would address the key efficiency changes required for operation of the club, including for example electronic voting for election of officers. Like phase one, involve minimal changes to the current document with details to be finalised post the November General Meeting and the success of phase one. Timeline would be to present changes to January Board meeting for review, Town Hall in February to allow notice to be issued for the March General Meeting.
Phase three would involve the complete rewrite of the Constitution fundamentally to clean up formatting, remove minor inconsistencies and produce a document that was easier to read with a logical flow. To provide members time to digest some of the complexity of the change to the document introduced by a complete rewrite it is proposed to run a number of Town Halls
and Focus groups between April 2024 and September 2024 aiming to issue a motion
for the changes in October 2024 for the November 2024 General Meeting.
Process from here
A Town Hall meeting has been set for Thursday 21st
September at 7:30pm in the Wardroom to explain the proposed phase one changes.
Once this feedback is considered by the Board, any changes will be provided to
members along with notice to propose the changes to the Constitution at the
November General Meeting.
Email comments
If you are unable to attend the Town Hall on 21st
September 2023 but have questions and comments, please email them to