
Notice to members – Wind Warning Friday 1 September to Monday 4 September

Notice to members – Wind Warning Friday to Monday

A cold front is forecast to generate strong frontal winds on Saturday through to Monday. The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a gale wind warning for Saturday 2nd Sept, update to follow at 4pm today, with the potential for damaging winds (more than 40 knots) and abnormally high swells, seas, and tides. Bureau of Meteorology warnings available HERE

We ask all members to check their boats for preparedness. See extract from our Emergency Procedures below for recommended actions. We are now transitioning into our winter weather patterns which brings a high frequency of inclement weather and damaging winds. Now is the time to take action to prevent damage.


Reduce Windage:

Check and ensure all sails (including furled jibs), mainsails, sail covers, biminis, dodgers and other canvas are secure. For small storms, you can wrap sails with line to help secure them. If you are going away for an extended period throughout the winter period remove jib from furling system.

Check life rafts/tenders and other objects that can catch wind are secure.

Flags should be lowered and stowed.

Halyards should be pulled away from the mast and snugged securely.


Dock Lines:

Check for chafe and wear on dock lines and replace or double lines if necessary.


Boat Systems:

Check batteries for charge and charge if needed. Electricity to docks may be lost or turned off if the storm surge is over the docks. Best not to leave food stored in the boat’s ice box.

Bilge pumps should be on automatic.

Close the fuel and all overboard sea cocks.



Ports, windows, and hatches should be securely closed in watertight conditions.

Remove all loose gear from decks.

Please advise the Harbour Office if you are unable to check your boat. Please also report any unsecured objects or other hazards you may see to the Harbour Office.