
Fishing Aggregating Devices (FAD’s)

Fish Aggregating Devices (FAD’s) are deployed each year in Perth water’s out from the back of Rottnest Island.  FSCGFSec contributes approximately $3,500 for the naming rights of one of six FADs. These FADs are placed at varying depths all the way out to the 200m line drop off. Members of a number of Clubs assist Perth Game Fishing Club deploying them in late October through to early November and then retrieve them in late May, just before winter sets in.

The FADs establish a mini-ecosystem by first establishing a coating of weed and mussels, which attract small ocean-going fish, which in turn attracts bigger fish, such as Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) and ultimately the larger predators, the likes of marlin and other pelagic species.  A map illustrating the approximate location of these FADs is produced each year and the locations are also updated via the Department of Transport’s marine services.

All Perth FAD locations can be found on both the Recfishwest website and the location of the FADs deployed in December 2020 by the Perth Game Fishing Club which is in part sponsored by the Fremantle Sailing Club, are as follows:

MAAC                     31°54.388S 115º12.047E
FURUNO                31°57.599S 115º16.127E
PGFC                      31°59.723S 115º13.820E
CLUB MARINE       32°02.878S 115º20.0567E
FSC                          32°05.005S 115º11.130E
FIBRELITE BOATS  32°10.066S 115º09.946E