Please be advised that commencing on 11/9/2023 Fremantle Sailing Club contractor – Jetty & Marine Constructions will be undertaking a pile replacement program across the marina. This piling work basically consists of removing 12 existing timber piles and in their place driving a round hollow steel pile, then driving a HDPE sleeve which covers the steel pile. A pile cap and mooring ring will also be attached to each pile. This work is expected to take 10 days and conclude on approximately 20/9/2023. The boats immediately adjacent the piles identified for replacement have been notified directly.
The piling barge is 30 meters in length and weighs 200 tonnes. As a vessel restricted in their ability to manoeuvre and has limited visibility, the barge will be using visual (day shapes) and sound signals as per the COLREGs.
Members are advised to exercise caution when transiting through the marina and its fairways. Always give the barge right of way. If you are unsure of the barge’s movements, stay clear.
The piling barge will be berthed in pen F022A whenever not in use, see marina map below. Please be aware the barge overhangs into the fairway as pictured below, please exercise caution in this area.
If you have any queries, please contact the Harbour and Facilities Office.