
2019 Inshore Racing | Winter Series Presentations

Approximately eighty sailors gathered last Saturday for the 2019 Winter Series presentation lunch.  Inshore Captain Brian Cooper reviewed the season and with Commodore Ron Greer presented the prizes and trophies.  Thanks to all who attended, and special thanks to our handicapper Ernie Delfos, to our Chief Race officer Colin McDougall and his Race Control Crew and to our special guests Commodore Ron Greer and Dawn Greer and Rear Commodore Bill Henson and Pauline Salt.


Inshore Captain’s Winter Series Report – Brian Cooper:

This series we had a total of 59 boats that nominated over all divisions, with 35 individual yachts presenting themselves to the start team over the 6 races.  That relates to 60% of you, the sailors participating during the winter months.  10 visiting yachts joined us, slightly down on last year’s entries, with 10 boats competing in all 6 races compared to 18 yachts last year.

The weather gods were slightly kinder this year, however we saw a couple of drifters once again and lost the opening race to the predicted Gale force conditions, all in all we fared much better than our Offshore brothers.

The results in all divisions were close as only one point separated several of the top placings right up to the last race, with the usual rivalry between all crews. 

Our attempt at amalgamating Inshore and Offshore this year presented several issues with balancing of fleets for the four Inshore divisions, however I feel we have been able to test the popularity of having more racing available for those that like to keep sailing all year.

The start crews led by Principal Race Officers, Colin and Trevor gave all competitors every chance to complete the courses on each day by shortening early, rather than have half of the yachts run out of time in a dying breeze.

All of the volunteers that freely give their time that we may enjoy our sport each week, we could not do without your continuous support.

I look forward to next year’s Winter Keelboat Series as I expect you will also.


Congratulations to the winners and placegetters in all divisions:

Division One IRC:

1st           Crush                                     David Davenport

2nd          Aquila                                   Roger Passmore

3rd           Sand Crab’s Disco             Graham Martin

Division One TCF

1st           Crush                                    David Davenport

2nd          Aquila                                   Roger Passmore

3rd           Fat Wallet Lost                  Michael Sproxton

Division Two IRC

1st           No Etiquette                      Trevor Taylor

2nd          Hustler                                 Jason Poutsma

3rd           Turkish Delight                  Bruce Wilkinson

Division Two TCF

1st           Windswept                         Ernie Delfos

2nd          Minke                                   Steve Delfos

3rd           No Etiquette                      Trevor Taylor

Division 6 Jib and Main results are subject to protest and will be confirmed at a later date. 

The Warne Cup for best performed IRC Boat was won by David Davenport’s Crush – congratulations to David and crew!  The Challenger cup for best performed TCF boat was not presented pending the result of the protest in JAM division.

Full results, including the provisional JAM results, can be found on www.sportspage.com.au (select “Progressive Results”) and on the revamped Inshore section of the FSC website.  The full set of selected photos from the series (with particular thanks to Chris Bender for his shots from Success) was shown as a slideshow at lunch and can be viewed on OneDrive.

Inshore racing resumes with the Summer Season Opening day on Saturday 5th October.  Keep your eye on the club website for the release of the online calendar and red book.